Don’t let anyone dull your sparkle

Don’t let anyone dull your sparkle

This blog entry is an odd one to pen; I’m currently tying up some loose ends as my contract with The Grow Project is coming to an end and I’ve been tasked with writing one last post. Do you ever Google definitions? Of course you do, you probably read my blog post on...
The art of switching off

The art of switching off

There is something to be said for people who arrive at the office early, stay late and eat their lunch at their desk while scrolling through emails. Are you thinking dedicated? I was thinking disorganised. I’m usually in the office three days a week; as I live out of...
The benefits of balance

The benefits of balance

Imagine your alarm goes off – it’s Friday and it’s 7:30am. You sit up and freak out, you start work in 30 minutes! You should have been up two and a half hours ago. Then your heartbeat slows as you remember, you work from home today. You enjoy a relaxed shower,...

For the love of Google + our first event

My name is Jess and I am a Googler. What’s that? I’m glad you asked. You see, I am not one to settle for a simple “I don’t know” and while I know many of us turn to the ol’ faithful search engine when we can’t remember whatshisface who was in that movie with the...

The pressure of perfection

You know the expression, good enough is good enough? I see the merit in this for some areas of life – when I’m cleaning and can’t move the couch by myself so I just vacuum around it? Good enough is good enough. But when putting together content you don’t just...