
Morning rituals

First thing. Wake up. Get your body moving and open up to the day. While out, ask yourself: What an I excited about today? (Fire up your clarity) What am I grateful for? What am I committed to getting done today? You need to get your physiology and psychology going to...

You get what you ask for

So today I got what I asked for, and it was kind of simpler than I’d thought. It came in a few ways. The most significant was at the butcher. Could you please package up my order, what is the best price you can give me, can I pay over the phone, could you bring it out...

Saturday spa night

It’s a moment of heaven… Bath. Quiet. Low candle light. Oils occasionally. Towel as a head rest. Tonight it was actual physical therapy, as unfortunately yesterday I took a tumble down a flight of stairs and my butt took all the impact. Thankfully I was...