
Shirlaws Group

Shirlaws is a portfolio of companies that advise private enterprise how to grow, fund or exit their business in order to enjoy their life’s work. They help them find the confidence to change, the courage to invest and the freedom to choose their path.

Darren Shirlaw

Shirlaws Group co-founder, ambassador for the Shirlaws Foundation, co-founder Grace Equity Partners, international business coach & strategist

Tim Dwyer

Global Partner at Shirlaws Group & former Head of Strategy for SME Sales at Telstra

Linzi Boyd

Founder of Business of Brand School, author, serial entrepreneur, international speaker & global partner at Shirlaws Group

Adam Frampton

Business mentor & growth expert at Shirlaws Group, entrepreneur coach, former CEO of Frampton & Co Chartered Accountants

Ovvio Organics

The team at Ovvio Organics, led by Naturopath Anthia Koullouros are here to remind you of what you already know. That good health is the ticket to a spectacular existence – getting there should be simple, instinctual, beautiful. that your body deserves the best – fill it with goodness and watch your cup overflow. Ovvio are here to chime in that life’s too short for ill health. That cultivating wellbeing creates freedom – something we can all aspire to. There’s no great secret; it’s obvious, it’s natural. It’s Ovvio. Ovvio means “obvious” in Italian or “naturally” or “of course”. Because the most beautiful things in life unfold as nature intended.

Anthia Koullouros

Naturopath, herbalist, author, founder of Ovvio The Organic Health & Lifestyle Store and Naturopathic Clinic

The Art of Extraordinary

The Art of Extraordinary is the ‘Go-to Productivity and Performance Tool’ for any business wanting to impact culture, nurture attitude, shift behaviours and drive business results across an organisation. Ideal for individual and group play for business owners, leaders, managers, coaches, trainers, facilitators and L & D Teams to utilise during workshops, 1-1 coaching and mentoring sessions, training and team building activities.

Genevieve Matthews

Creator of The Art of Extraordinary, NLP Trainer and Values Pendulum® Business Consultant