
So today I got what I asked for, and it was kind of simpler than I’d thought.

It came in a few ways.

The most significant was at the butcher. Could you please package up my order, what is the best price you can give me, can I pay over the phone, could you bring it out to my car, do you have tallow or lard? And they included a foam cooler box I can return and exchange next time (the really good broccoli foam ones!).

And then there was the grocer yesterday. I mentioned I couldn’t get it regularly, so he said, call me and I’ll pack it for you. And today when I dropped by for a few new things, I asked him where they were rather than trying to find them myself which would have taken heaps longer, especially as there was a few things they didn’t stock and that were not in season.

So, peeps – ASK! Let go of superhero syndrome, because it serves nobody. Ask, and you just might get yes responses which change your days.
