
This morning was shocker.

I’ve got the commitment of my hubby to take the kiddies while I take 2-3 hours each morning for the next thirty days to focus on my writing. I’m three days in, and days one and two have been fabulous – awesome productivity, feel energised, and elated to have #GSD (got stuff done!)!

However, today, perhaps in exchange for his generosity and also knowing he has his own business to run too, I decided to not rise early as to reduce the risk of waking toddler and baby and hubby needing to rise early.

And this is the start of it went downhill.

This is what I call the hangover effect – we were feeling the effects this morning of the actions of last night.

You see we had an absolutely fabulous day. Markets in the morning, massive playground play, big car sleeps, and a play at the beach. We had break at home, brunch at the markets, and a picnic lunch on the beach.

Then it went wrong!

As we left the beach we searched for a restaurant to eat at. We did find one, but it was getting on.

We ordered, and the girls didn’t eat too much, and it wasn’t really what they’re into.

Then we get into the car to drive home, and toddler needs to toilet stop. We get her out of car, and have an important pit stop, however this puts off both girls getting to sleep and into the overtired phase.

We leave restaurant one hour after usual lights out time at home, and toddler is not to be convinced of quiet time. Eventually we turn down the music, hit the mute button on ourselves, and convince her to try deep breathing, which mostly works and is enough for baby to get to sleep. As we continue on our 50 minutes drive home, toddler gets close to falling asleep, then we decided to do a little bit of scouting on the way to add ten minutes and seal the sleeping deal to make transfers easy. This seems work.

Now we are both zombies, after a big day of fun, surf and sand ourselves, and eventually draw our zombie eyes away from the chill out box and head for bed.

Overnight, toddler comes in twice for no significant reasons, and baby has an awake period too – all the reasons to turn off the alarm, and wake when the kids do instead – mistake 1!

Ultimately, the only person I let down here this morning was me. By trying to be helpful, and letting myself get distracted by being helpful, instead of spending 2-3 hours working, I also spent about an hour getting my head clear enough to get on my game (including having a shower) after about an hour of feeling sorry for myself and procrastinating on social media and reading another book to distract myself.

I share this as an example… if you’re going to do something, get it done. Know when you get things done, put an infrastructure in place, and get it done.

All that wasted time could have been used to have a catchup sleep in the morning instead of low quality sleep (funny dreams) and tossing and turning, and playing in the glorious sun.

Now, must not repeat 🙂
